March 2016

Real Estate Rent

Australian Rent Is On The Decline But Melbourne Is On The Incline.

Australian Rent is on the decline, but Melbourne is on the incline. As the cost of rent throughout Australia continues to drop at record rates, rent across the capital cities fell by 0.3% according to the latest CoreLogic Rental Index. The year-to-year drop is the steepest on record since the survey first began in 1996. Nationally, the average rent is at $483 per week, back to where they were in...

Renting Game

How The Renting Game Varies from State and Territory.

We may call ourselves the lucky country, but if you’re renter, it really depends on which state or territory you live in. That’s because here in Australia we have eight sets of rules for tenants and landlords, governed by eight different states and territories. Yes their are similarities, but all distinct in their own way, so being aware of these different tenancy legislations is crucial if you’re...

Property Prices

Falling Property Prices is Bad News

There is no questioning that housing affordability is a serious issues in Australia, when comparing home prices to disposable income we rank at + 9%. However, there are a number of solutions that can assist in addressing this issue. The protectionists argue that restricting migration would lead to less demand for housing and prices trending downwards. This sounds fine until you take into account the...

Australian Housing Market Rank

How Does The Australian Housing Market Rank Against The Rest of The World?

The famous real estate saying, it’s all about location, location, location, not only applies to our Australian market, but also at a global level. Where the global housing markets are in no way synchronized, making some countries rank better than others. With this in mind, it is the perfect opportunity to review how the housing market in Australia stacks up to the world. So where do we stand? Housing...

Property Manager

You Are Not Bound To Your Property Manager.

Property Managers can sometimes make you feel…married to the agency. The truth is, you are free… Even if you signed contract-like stuff, and yes, even if your property is tenanted, you are free to change agents during a tenancy! In Victoria, managing authorities only hold the property owner until the investment is leased…. So unless they slipped you a promise ring and you said yes, you are free...

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